Location Based Services
»What if a whole city could be seen from above, as if we were looking out from an airplane? Not just buildings and squares, but also city's occupants. We would be able to detect public gatherings and traffic jams, estimate which neighborhoods are the most crowded, reconstruct commuter-traveling patterns during the course of the day. There could be all sorts of new services for the benefit of the public, from emergency planning to traffic control, from the efficient allocation of utilities to assessing the impact of new city infrastructures.« (taken from course description in PlusOnline).
Durig the semester we were working in a group of four and we had to develop an application example for a location-based service considering the topic "City Dynamics" based on telecommunication data from Amsterdam, covering the Summer 2010. We decided to focus on the football world championship in South Africa as the Dutch team made it to the finals and we wanted to have a look at the public viewing areas in the city of Amsterdam before, during and after the games. The overall result should be a map of telecommunication traffic in the course of time.